completely natural protocol
Lyme infection that works
2004, quietly, without fanfare, this protocol has helped literally
thousands of Lyme sufferers to become free of their Lyme symptoms
it's your turn.
Before going any further, please
do not mistake this website for any "Miracle Cure In 72
Hours" type of site, with hype of a "secret" formula,
"free bonus" stuff that "used to cost lots of
money", or "time limit" offers. If that's what you
were expecting, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place.
This is a site that
simply presents a factual, proven, "How-To" guide for
alleviating one of the most pernicious afflictions of modern times - Lyme Infection,
My name is M.
Fett. I am a "former Lymie". When I say
"former Lymie", I mean someone who previously suffered severe
Lyme infection who no longer has Lyme, Babesia,
Mycoplasma, and various other co-infections but instead remains free and
unrelapsing since 2004. In fact, I recently retested
negative again where these were once positive.
The story of how this came to be for myself and many others is very
simple yet profound.
suffering 13 years of increasingly severe and degenerative Lyme, despite
aggressive antibiotic treatment both oral and I/V, discovered a simple,
though extraordinarily effective, protocol that resulted in their becoming
free of Lyme symptoms. They posted their results online on a relatively
obscure website.
In 2003,
I stumbled across the protocol while searching for a remedy for my own
severe and advancing Lyme infection. I discovered others who had
found it but was disappointed to find a great number (two-thirds) could
not apply it as described.
I have an
extensive background in holistic health (including healing myself of
severe heart arrhythmia and fibrillation years earlier) and spent a great
deal of time experimenting with the protocol and studying scientific
literature on the components. I developed several key
refinements. The single most critical refinement was a very
precise, exact and safe method of application which would literally “customize”
or tailor it to anyone – no matter their level or degree of illness.
result of this refined version was my complete
and unrelapsing alleviation of Lyme.
A small
group of fellow researchers suffering from severe Lyme applied this
refined protocol exactly and also saw alleviation
of their Lyme symptoms. I was pressed to release the
protocol as a written guide, which I did in digital eBook form in 2004.

Shortly after this, the venerable
Letter for Doctors & Patients
publication came out with an issue that had an article
in it entitled, "Is Lyme
Disease The Hidden Cause of Most Chronic Disease?"...and
discussed this protocol and cited
UCLA research suggesting why the evident effectiveness against the Lyme bacteria.
that time, the guide and the protocol has spread throughout the Lyme
community. Besides websites and the extraordinary “word-of-mouth”
networking this community is known for, it has been discussed in articles
in newspapers, magazines and books,
literally thousands worldwide have benefited from the protocol.
There are also Lyme Literate doctors (LLMDs) today who use it as part of their
Lyme treatments.
results have been extraordinary and continue to come forth. Among
its most important aspects are:
have been seen, regardless of gender, age
(small children to elderly), ethnicity, country of origin (US, Europe,
, etc.), degree of infection or length of time infected.
Individuals have reported reversals and alleviations after having been
infected from months to as much as ten, twenty, thirty or more
years. A few individuals in their forties and fifties reported
being infected their entire lives. Additionally, there have been
individuals who were re-infected with Lyme and were able to achieve
positive outcomes again.
with conventional treatments and some alternative herbal treatments,
the Lyme bacterium (the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi) cannot
mutate against, or develop resistance to, the protocol.
The guide contains a scientific abstract showing the key
elements in this protocol inhibiting ALL
forms and strains of Borrelia both infective and non-infective.
This is why individuals in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, etc.
have all seen beneficial results despite varying forms and strains.
have been beneficial results reported with animals – feline, canine
and equestrian – which simultaneously is evidence against
any “placebo” effect as none exists with animals.
M., it is hard to believe that life has moved
on beyond Lyme Disease. Even harder to believe that this time last
year I suffered so badly and so deeply. When you recover from an
illness you forget so quickly what living sick was like. I stayed
on [the protocol] for nine full months...The protocol is a
no-brainer, simple, harmless way out of such a complex, and life
destroying illness...[The protocol] saved my life, I went from
fighting Lyme disease everyday for over ten years to moving on
with life. April 1st is the grand opening of mine and my daughters
(also with LD) own coffee house. I accredited all this to [the
protocol] and the support of Lymestratagies. Yes indeed, I am
doing better then I could ever believe." -
B.I., United States |
Own Story...
probably a lot like yours. Struck with mysterious, progressive, and
eventually, severe symptoms, I saw 7 different healthcare practitioners
and took over a year to finally learn I had contracted "Lyme
I knew very little about Lyme at that time and had been extremely
healthy up that point. Relieved to finally know, I casually asked,
what do I take for this?"
did I know then that I was about to enter the dark nightmare that is Lyme
infection. The symptoms became very classic for me within weeks:
agonizing pains, acute neurological and cognitive issues, left hand and
leg going numb, a constant "wired", “amping” or tremoring
sensation and intermittently "jolted" as if shocked, organs
affected (liver, kidneys, spleen, etc.), unusual head and body sensations
and pains, night sweats, severe insomnia, tinnitis, blurred vision and “floaters”,
and more.
I began an extremely
aggressive search for alternative solutions that ended up costing
six-digits (as insurance would only cover a few weeks of allowable
antibiotic treatment), and even took me to other countries in a urgent
search for a remedy to halt the rapid progression...Here
is but a partial listing of the various protocols and items applied:
trial of antibiotics
Beck regimen (blood electrifier magnetic pulser water ozonator)
versions of Beck units (Rife/Beck unit and 5K pulser)
Clark regimen (anti-parasite protocol and electronic zappers)
and specialized fasts (including a 28-day fast)
Zhang's Chinese herbal protocol
Chinese protocols
American herbal protocols
Homeopathic/botanical injection
Day protocol
(I/V ozone/blood treatment)
(HBOT) therapy
I/V Drip
Blood Irradiation
Silver, Mild Silver Protein, Molecular Silver
Apheresis (
Hyperthermia treatment (
Wellness Clinic (now Sierra Integrative) I/V therapy
different Rife devices (Jaguar, EMEM, F-Scan, Ultimate B3, Doug Coil)
Magnetic Pulser
Rene Wellhouse's holistic therapy
array of natural medicinals/ nutraceuticals - Borrelogen, Venus
Flytrap extract, Samento, Monastery of Herbs, etc.
Literally - if it was out there, I tried it.
When I
was refining the protocol, I found myself driving home one day with a
$7.00 bottle of one item and a $10.00 bottle of another sitting on the
car seat next to me...and I just shook my head. Yet,
this protocol is what turned me around...finally.
wanted to report on my son. He is 6. Been on [the
protocol]...Is doing very well. He was one of those kids
that looked a little autistic until I found the Lyme I gave him in
utero...He has been on diets, supps, antifungals, and [the
protocol]....chelation on and off. Have seen slow and steady
improvements all along. Now, he looks typical. He is
vibrant and healthy. He has friends. He is
happy. We don't need the speech, OT, and PT we had been
getting over 12 hours per week anymore. Lots to celebrate."
- C.W., United States |
The Silent Pandemic
Lyme Disease is an unrecognized pandemic. It has been reported
in every state of the
and is found in more than 65 countries worldwide with more reported
areas continually coming forth.
believes newly diagnosed cases of Lyme may occur at a rate five times
higher than the number of new AIDS cases.
It is
the number one tick-born illness in the
but fewer than 50% of patients with recall a tick bite.
the famous "bull's-eye" rash is 100% proof-positive of Lyme -
than 50% develop any rash at all. Atypical forms of this rash
are far more common. A rash can appear and may disappear before
you see it. It may be located on a part of your body that you
cannot see, like your scalp, and the rash is also very difficult to
see on those who have darker skin. Absence of the rash does not mean
you do not have a tick-borne disease.
there are 5 known subspecies of Borrelia burgdorferi, over 100 strains
in the US, and 300 strains worldwide. This diversity is thought to
contribute to Borrelia burgdorferi's variability and its
various antibiotic resistances.
has never been in the history of this illness any study that proves 30
days of antibiotic treatment cures Lyme disease. An
uncomplicated case of chronic Lyme disease requires an average of 6-12
months of high-dose antibiotic therapy. The return of symptoms
and evidence of the continued presence of Borrelia burgdorferi
typically indicates the need for further treatment.
5-14 are at the highest risk of acquiring Lyme disease; some studies
show significant IQ drops in students with Lyme that are reversed
after treatment. Lyme disease can also potentially cross the
placenta and may possibly have effect upon the fetus.
infection of multiple organ systems causes a wide range of symptoms
and is often called the
"Great Imitator" as it can virtually imitate any symptom of
any disease.
Lyme Disease
is often misdiagnosed as:
Alzheimer's Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson's Disease
ADD/Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue
· Chronic
Autoimmune Diseases
Degenerative Disc Disease
symptoms of associated with Lyme Disease include:
Bladder dysfunction
Burning or stabbing pain
Cardiac Impairment
Change in bowel function
Chest pain
Difficulty thinking or concentration
Difficulty speaking or reading
Difficulty finding words, name blocking
Disorientation. Get lost easily
Disturbed sleep:too much, too little
Ears/Hearing:buzzing, ringing in ears
Eyes -double, blurry, floaters, light sensitive
Facial paralysis (Bell's palsy)
Fatigue tiredness, poor stamina
Heart block/Heart murmur
Heart palpitations
Heart valve prolapse
Increased motion sickness
Irritable bladder
Joint pain or swelling
Low back pain
Mood swings
Muscle pain or cramps
Neck creaks & cracks
Neck stiffness, pain
Pelvic pain
Poor attention
Poor balance
Poor short-term memory
Problems absorbing new information
Pulse skips
Rib soreness
Sexual disfunction/loss of libido
Shooting pains
Shortness of breath; cough
Skin hypersensitivity
Sore throat
Stiffness of the joints or back
Swollen glands
Testicular pain
Twitching of the face or other muscles
Unexplained breast pain
Unexplained fever, sweats, chills, flushing
Unexplained hair loss
Unexplained menstrual irregularity
Unexplained milk production
Unexplained weight loss or gain
Upset stomach or abdominal pain
"I have Lyme 29 years,
misdiagnosed 22 years here in Australia. Five 'top' neurologists
could find nothing wrong with me. One doc thought I had MS, but my
MRI was OK. I ended up in a wheelchair sometimes and using a
walking frame for years because of my severe neurological
symptoms. I went to counseling but it did not change the fact that
I was having trouble sitting up, walking, seeing, etc. I found I
had Lyme thanks to much prayer and the internet. The
[protocol] has brought tremendous improvements in my health and I am finally
doing things I couldn't do for decades. I am walking miles, have
recently traveled to Canada, Hawaii and the USA, been camping in a
2-man tent, shopping without help (yahooo!), driving my car and
more recently driving a manual van! I never thought I would be
able to cope with that. Prior to [the protocol] I believe I was
dying. I was mostly housebound and was having nasty falls, due to
severe vertigo. Hang in there...[the protocol] works and it is all
worth it." - R.T., Australia
Now after
several years of successful, real world application and further refinement,
we are very pleased to be able to announce the release of the brand new,
updated version of THE definitive
reference guide for the protocol - the same one that freed
me and so many others:
Salt/C Plus Protocol
for Lyme Infection
To Order
This latest
updated text, in digital eBook form and available for immediate download, has
been expanded nearly eightfold over the original
guide of 2004 in terms of the exact, step-by-step
"blue-print" and essential information designed to maximize
this protocol.
Just some
of the valuable information contained in this 195-page guide includes:
A special "Quick
Start" reference section to allow getting started immediately
What you will need to do the
Where to find the items
How to do the protocol,
including the exact, specific method or procedure that
is critical to its success
Schedule chart, measurements
guide, tips and recommendations
The basic elements of the
protocol are actually five, not just salt and vitamin C -
what these are and why
Understanding what a "Jarisch-Herxheimer
reaction" (or "Herx") is
What to expect, what to look
The protocol and children
Particular "adjunct"
items found to be extremely helpful and particular items for
special issues
A "Technical
Section" detailing why the protocol works (posited
mechanisms), including scientific citations and and studies
The "right salt" versus "wrong salt"
and why
the "low-salt, no-salt myth and scientific truth
historical, medicinal use of natural salt,,,did you know salt was
used to treat syphilis, caused by Lyme's bacterial
"cousin", in the 1800s?
Why Vitamin C and what does it
The protocol and specific body
considerations (heart, adrenals, etc.)
Key Characteristics of the
Lyme bacterium (Borrelia burgdorferi), including nearly 20
extraordinary mechanisms and features it uses to elude the immune
and proliferate in the body
The results of the largest S/C
Plus survey ever done
...and much more.
Included in this
definitive, reference guide are the results
of the largest survey of Salt/C Plus applicants ever conducted.
The percentage of those seeing arrested symptoms, reversal, significant
improvement, near-to-alleviation, or outright alleviation is
90%! This is simply unheard of in the world of
Lyme treatment. |
` |
If you or a
loved one are suffering from the pernicious effects of Lyme infection, I
truly believe this protocol will help you or your loved one as it did for me
and so many others. Get your copy today and start your path back out
of the woods and back into the sunlight again:
brand new, updated release of The
Salt/C Plus Protocol for Lyme Infection
eBook is available for immediate download for $29.95
Click Here To Order |
The Salt/C Plus Protocol for
Lyme Infection eBook is a downloadable
file in PDF format.
You can view it with Acrobat Reader™
which you can download here for free:

always: for those that don't know me, I preface my report with the
fact that I've had lyme disease for 37 years...Today I'm still
tired, but am almost back to normal...and tomorrow I plan to go to
the gym!!! As briar patches go, it was incredibly potent and
incredibly brief. So that was the good news. Now the
GREAT news. It is the most significant news for me for the
ENTIRE protocol: I have been experiencing windows of ENERGY over
these last few weeks. This is without diet change or
supplements. The fact that I am experiencing these for the
first time in my adult life is an amazing feeling. At first
I thought I was imagining them. But it has happened a couple
of times where I wasn't able to just remained seated & had to
get up and DO something. It even happened early on in the
herx!!! Such a totally foreign feeling!!! Lastly, an
infected cyst I had on my back is completely healed (weeks ago).
And now there is no longer a cyst there!!! - P.R., Australia
"I weigh 120 lbs
and have had Lyme disease for 4 years...Terrible sore throat and
swollen glands at throat for 4 years are mostly gone...I would
give out of breath sometimes just walking from my bedroom to the
bathroom...This is completely gone...Brain fog seems to be
completely gone...Hoarseness is gone (I guess this was due to the
sore throat for so long...I
have been really fortunate not to have any real major herxing so
far and have every intention of staying the course...I am excited
about my progress and really know that this works. Thanks again to
everyone and keep going with the program because it does
work." - S. G. United States |
The statements by others on this site are examples of reports continuously received. These
are given as anecdotal reports for informational purposes only.
The protocol has not been subject to evaluation by the FDA and is
considered a research protocol only. One must always consult with
his or her appropriate healthcare provider wherever there is a question of
illness, diagnosis and treatment.
One Year Money
Back Guarantee
If at anytime in the next 12 months you are not completely satisfied
with the information presented in the guide, contact us
with original receipt for a 100% refund.

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